Wednesday, 30 May 2012

Doctor Who script: DONE! Next?

Aha! I am done with the Doctor Who movie script! HOORAY! The rough draft I wrote is very is going to take me a long time to type...but I know I will finish it! From my papers, I left off of page 18, and I got to 30 pages! What that means is that there is a lot more in my other journal then those there are a lot more pages!!

Also, I wrote this one short film script called 4th of July. It is about this girl named Kai, who is usually lonely and wants freedom from her parents. She meets this boy, named Andrew, and her life changes on the 4th of July.

Now...since that big project is done...I am going to work on our Sherlock movie for Flash 29 Productions. It will be called Sherlock: The Next Case. Sets in America, modern day. However this is a branch off of the BBC version. Will tell more about it later! So...I am trying to think of female names for our "Sherlock" and "John" characters...what do you guys think?

And thanks for all the pageviews! I appreciate it a lot! Follow me on twitter! @kianarollan and tumblr!!

Sunday, 27 May 2012

4th of July, new Project

Besides the Doctor Who script I am working on, I also do mini projects.

This one I am finishing up is called 4th of July, a Short Film script. Summary:

"A girl, all lonely, until the 4th of July."

I know, broad summary huh? But hey, I like it.

Inspired by Silent Things, written and directed by Rob Brown, leading actor, Andrew Scott.

Just watched it after the BAFTAs. Got me away from my BAFTA crisis. Besides Steven Moffat and Andrew winning the BAFTAs, Benedict lost, which is disappointing, but he won, because he inspired many people.

I am typing up the script now. Might have to finish later. If you are interested in the script and storyline, just email me at! :)

Friday, 18 May 2012

Weekend of writing

I'm loving this weekend already. I get to write more of this script I am writing for a film and I finally found the Jeremy Brett versions of Sherlock Holmes.

Also, this Sunday is the last episode of Sherlock S2 on PBS. The Reichenbach Fall. I may need tissues and my wall of Sherlock and Doctor Who pictures....I shall survive for Season 3. Even if it means waiting for a year and a half. Might draw this weekend too...but I'm also busy.

See you. LATERS. xx

Thursday, 17 May 2012

Wednesday, 16 May 2012

Dinner Tonight

My food while I study my Chemistry final.

Chemistry Final

Seems like tomorrow I have a Chemistry Final exam. I love chemistry, but it's just so much to remember. I hope I do good. May Sherlock's love for Chemistry flow through me tomorrow.

Saturday, 12 May 2012


Mostly throughout times I don't really like blogs, because I am really busy. But I will try and keep this going along with my other (FC2) blog and (tumblr)
Hello everyone from Blogspot! The name's Kiana, but you can call me Ki. Or tezkiana, because I like Homestuck. (Terezi 4ever)
But putting those aside! I am an amatuer Actress/Writer. I love to act and write. Mostly act.
However, writing is another hobby I do. I write a few short stories and right now I am writing a script for a film my friends and I are working on. I also love to draw! Deviantart:
Hoping this blog works, it is nice to meet you and I hope you have a wonderful year!
PS: I have a few Twitter accounts.
tezkiana- My most fandom personal twitter account. I love BBC and Sherlock and Doctor Who!
kianarollan- This is jusy my personal Twitter. No fandoms, nothing. Just life.
flash29p- The Official Twitter for Flash 29 Productions, a production of fanfilming.
doctorwmovie- Official Twitter for Flash 29's Doctor Who: New Universe the movie